Do you have an obstacle you'd like to overcome? Enter the contest today for a chance to win.
If you’re following our 90 Days to a Happier You challenge, you might be wondering how you can experience the same incredible one-on-one expert coaching that has transformed the lives of Live Happy staffers Donna, Kim, Chris, Susan and Shelley.
Here’s your chance!
Our extraordinary team of coaches has agreed to give two Live Happy readers an intensive, three-month “happiness makeover” with the coach of their choice. Each makeover has a value of approximately $3,000, and you can win one simply by telling us—in 300 words or fewer—how you believe you’d be happier if you overcame an obstacle related to anxiety, goal setting, sleep problems, communicating with another person or difficulty unplugging from work. Your essay must reach us at by March 31, 2016 (see the complete contest rules here).
If you’re struggling with anxiety:
Choose Karen Cassiday, Ph.D., president of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and managing director of the Anxiety Treatment Center of Greater Chicago.
Your coaching will include:
10 coaching sessions, up to 60 minutes each, by phone or Skype.
- Email contact in between as needed.
- Handouts relevant to your coaching (provided by email).
- Recommendations of books and other media.
If you would like to improve communications with a loved one or a coworker:
Choose Michele Gravelle, executive coach, communications expert and consultant with The Triad Consulting Group.
Your coaching will include:
- A total of six one-hour coaching calls over a period of three months.
Worksheets to be used in preparing for high-stakes conversations.
- Summary document of key tools that can be used to improve your personal communication skills.
- Autographed copy of Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Doug Stone, Bruce Patton and Sheila Heen.
- Autographed copy of Thanks for the Feedback by Doug Stone and Sheila Heen.
If you are plagued by poor sleep:
Choose Michael Breus, Ph.D., a board-certified sleep specialist in Los Angeles and best-selling author of Good Night: The Sleep Doctor's 4-week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health and The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan: Lose Weight Through Better Sleep.
Your coaching will include
- Initial 50-minute consultation by phone or Skype.
- Review of weekly sleep diary.
Review of specialized questionnaire designed to identify cognitive misperceptions around sleep.
- Sleep “prescription,” including changes in sleep hygiene and, if appropriate, sleep restriction and relaxation training.
- Weekly check-ins by email or phone with appropriate adjustments to sleep program.
- Signed copy of The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan.
If you’d like to identify goals and map out a plan to achieve them:
Choose Caroline Miller, MAPP, a professional coach, author, speaker and educator. Her book, Creating Your Best Life, is the first evidence-based book to connect the science of happiness with the science of goal setting. Caroline gave an acclaimed TEDx talk on grit in 2014, a topic she will cover in her upcoming book, Authentic Grit.
Your coaching will include:
Nine 1-hour coaching calls spread out over three months.
- An evaluation of your signature “VIA Character Strengths” survey.
- Guidance through evidence-based activities to clarify goals and the path to pursue them with the greatest chance of achieving success. These activities include “Best Possible Future Self” and “Me at My Best.”
If you’d like to learn how to unplug from your digital devices and bring greater ease into your life:
Choose Christine Carter, Ph.D., sociologist and senior fellow at University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and author of The Sweet Spot: How to Find Your Groove at Home and Work.
Your coaching will include:
12 weekly 50-minute coaching calls by phone or Skype over the course of four months.
- Accountability check-ins by email.
- Intensive problem solving by email or phone to resolve issues as they arise.
Unfortunately you can only choose just one coach (we know; they’re all amazing). Good luck—and enter today: