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Making your world a happier place.
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Of all the aspects that make up a good life—positive emotions, identifiable strengths and purpose—arguably among the most important are those people in our lives who make it all come together, our family.
Simple as it may seem, gift giving is loaded with meaning. Editor at large Stacy Kaiser offers expert tips for both the gift giver and receiver as we head into this holiday season—so you won’t be caught empty-handed!
Knitting is much more than just a pastime. Women all over the world are using their stitching skills to bring a little warmth and happiness to those in need, and in turn, to themselves.
This video, brought to us by Tal Ben-Shahar and our partners at Happier.TV, reminds us that small practices of gratitude can result in major boosts in happiness. When we stop to appreciate the people and things around us, our well-being thrives.
Expectations and stress seem to increase over the holidays. Happiness experts Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan suggest forgetting others’ expectations and trying out new things, such as eating a whole pie, writing heartfelt notes and leaving perfectionism at the door.
Few of us will be attacked by a shark or targeted by the Taliban. But we all endure loss and pain and we can all learn lessons of strength and resilience from the science of post-traumatic growth.
Forgiving those who have hurt us can be tough. But once we do, we are clearing the path to happiness. Here is our list of ideas to help you on your way.
Have you recently gazed at a spectacular sunset, indulged in a muscle-soothing massage, reveled in a personal achievement or counted your blessings? These examples are all different types of savoring.
Sometimes anxiety is just a troubling feeling that something isn’t right. Anxiety can show up as panic attacks, excessive worry or trouble sleeping, and it can be a nuisance or downright debilitating. To help you shift to a state of ease, we’ve rounded up 10 ways to quiet down your anxiety naturally.
Curiosity, creativity and a love of learning are part of what make up a happy life. Here are a 33 ideas to keep your mind growing and your curiosity going for many years to come.
Making your world a happier place.