Margaret H. Greenberg is a certified executive coach, international speaker, “Positive Work” columnist for Live Happy magazine, and the coauthor of the business book Profit from the Positive: Proven Leadership Strategies to Boost Productivity and Transform Your Business. Margaret is a pioneer in the field of positive psychology, having graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s very first Master of Applied Positive Psychology program.
In this episode, Margaret and Live Happy Co-Founder, COO and Editorial Director Deborah Heisz talk about the emerging field of positive psychology, explore numerous tools to help you profit from the positive and offer advice to help you find your authentic happiness.
What you'll learn in this podcast:
- Why positive psychology is not the same as positive thinking
- How to apply at least one tool to profit from the positive
- How to learn more about positive psychology to transform your life and business
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
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Special thanks to Margaret Greenberg for joining us this week.
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