Holy Shift! 365 Daily Meditations from A Course in Miracles and Life Loves You, co-written with Louise Hay.
Robert hosts a weekly show for Hay House Radio called Shift Happens! He contributes daily to his FB page at www.facebook.com/drrobertholden
– See more at: http://www.robertholden.org/about-robert/#sthash.WVY77FvW.dpufIn this episode Robert discusses his 8 week happiness program and finding the happiness within yourself.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- The Happiness Project
- How to follow your joy
- A new perspective on happiness
- How life loves you
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
- Take The Happiness Test based on the Be Happy Index, as featured on Oprah
- Purchase Happiness NOW!
- Purchase Shift Happens!
- Purchase Authentic Success (formerly titled Success Intelligence)
- Purchase Life Loves You
- Thank you to our partner – AARP Life Reimagined!