Written by : LiveHappy

Happiness Now with Robert Holden

Robert Holden, Ph.D., is a best-selling author, speaker and expert on happiness, forgiveness and well-being. In this episode Robert discusses his 8 week happiness program and finding the happiness within yourself.


Robert Holden, Ph.D., created The Happiness Project on the National Health Service in 1994. His work on happiness has been featured on an Oprah Winfrey Show called How Happy Are You? and in two major BBC-TV documentaries called The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy, shown in 20 countries to over 30 million television viewers.
Robert Holden, Ph.D., is a best-selling author, speaker and expert on happiness, forgiveness and well-being. Robert is the author of Happiness NOW!Shift Happens!Authentic Success (formerly titled Success Intelligence) and Life Loves YouIn this episode Robert discusses his 8 week happiness program and finding the happiness within yourself.

Holy Shift! 365 Daily Meditations from A Course in Miracles and Life Loves You, co-written with Louise Hay.

Robert hosts a weekly show for Hay House Radio called Shift Happens! He contributes daily to his FB page at www.facebook.com/drrobertholden

– See more at: http://www.robertholden.org/about-robert/#sthash.WVY77FvW.dpufIn this episode Robert discusses his 8 week happiness program and finding the happiness within yourself.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • The Happiness Project
  • How to follow your joy
  • A new perspective on happiness
  • How life loves you

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

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